Saturday, March 24, 2012

This girl.

Sarah is growing up so fast at the moment.  I look at her and it boggles my brain that I have a nearly 10 year old!!

The other day she was a bit sick and came home from school early.  I did a quick little photo shoot with my little camera.  She looks really sick doesn't she!  LOL

Sarah has been making some very wise choices recently and I'm so proud of her.  She's is a very kind girl.  I always say there's not a mean bone in her body.  She does not tolerate it when people pick on others and will always stick up for the underdog.  This makes me proud.  Sarah recently got a plate to straighten one of her teeth and was picked on by some of the kids at school.  It seriously broke her heart (and mine!)

Sarah asks a lot of questions, really thoughtful questions.  She does her best to please God and that means a lot to us.

Last week Josh and I went to the school for an interview.  Her behaviour is excellent and she tries her best.  That's what is important right?!

Sarah day dreams a lot.  A whole lot!  At the moment her dream is to start a shelter for orphaned animals.  She has thought it through and has drafted a letter to Julia Gillard to ask for a donation of land.    I am hoping to send it off.

Sarah's latest obsession in horses.  She drew this picture for Josh and I.

Sarah can not wait to be a teenager!  I can.  She still plays pretend and gallops around on her pretend horse.  Girls can grow up too fast these days.

Did I mention how much I love this girl?  I do!  She's gorgeous in and out.

She makes us so proud!

I hope you're enjoying a lovely weekend!


  1. She IS gorgeous inside and out!! I love her too!! 8)

  2. A lovely post Ruth. Sarah is such a beautiful girl who I'm sure is destined for great things helping others in her life.
