Monday, August 11, 2008

Some inspiration for craft and life...

"Take your needle, my child, and work at your pattern,
--it will come out a rose by and by.
Life is like that ... one stitch at a time,
taken patiently, and the pattern will come out..."

Oliver Wendell Holmes -
This small excerpt applies to many aspects of my life. As I stitch through the various seasons of my life, or even each day of the week, God is overseeing the overall pattern. If I begin my day with prayer and put my trust in him my pattern will 'come out' in the end.

As for the various projects I have going I know that if I just get a bit done at a time, in the end my project will be finished. I love the feeling of a finished product! I recently accumulated projects from around the house and have placed them in a project 'tub'. They're all packaged in there with the various things that I need to complete them so when I do have that moment I can grab it. The tricky part is though is to recognise the opportunity and take it.

To all you lovely readers happy stitching.... whatever that may mean to you.


1 comment:

  1. Hmmm...thanks for that Ruth. That's a great idea too! I have all my unfinished projevcts in bags, but not all together, I like would have to be a pretty big tub though ;)


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